General Guidelines for Liposuction Cost/Pricing

The cost of liposuction can depend on many factors including the size and number of areas, expected time and difficulty of the surgery, and non-surgical costs such as facility fees, anesthesia fees, labs, garments, etc.

Cost of Liposuction at Houston Liposuction Center

To simplify pricing for our patients, prices at our center are priced on a per-area basis and are ALL INCLUSIVE.

DO NOT BE FOOLED by lipo clinics advertising extremely low per area prices. They hide phrases in the fine print such as “minimum 3 areas”, “surgical fee may apply”, and “BMI criteria may apply”. This is a bait and switch tactic.

At Houston Liposuction Center there is never a charge for a consultation and the following are included in our ALL INCLUSIVE fee:

  • Pre-op Labs
  • Antibacterial Scrub and Antibiotics
  • Facility Fee and Tumescent Local Anesthesia
  • One Compression Garment
  • Post-op Supplies
  • All Follow-up Visits

At the time of discharge, all patients are given a prescription for a pain medication. If he or she chooses to fill this prescription they will have to fill at their own pharmacy. Also, some patients choose to buy a second compression garment at their own expense.

Single Body Area Liposuction Price – $3,900 – $4,900 (ALL INCLUSIVE)

For any patient who wants to have liposuction on only one of the areas listed below, the price is always $3,900 – $4,900. Single liposuction areas include:

  • Love Handles/Flanks (male)
  • Waist/Hips (female)
  • Outer Thighs (saddle bags)
  • Inner Thighs
  • Chin/Neck
  • Arms
  • Male Chest
  • Female Breasts
  • Lower Abdomen (below the umbilicus only)
  • Upper Abdomen (above the umbilicus only)
  • Mid Back
  • Upper Back
  • Buttocks (BBL Reduction Liposuction is $5,900. Learn More.)
  • Knees

As suggested above, the larger body areas (abdomen, back and thighs) are usually considered more than one liposuction area. These areas usually cost more than $3900 and the cost varies with size. Price ranges are:

  • Full Abdomen (Lower Abdomen + Upper Abdomen) $4900-$5900
  • Full Back (Mid Back + Upper Back) $4900-$5900
  • Thighs (Outer Thighs + Inner Thighs) $4900-$5900

Multiple Area Liposuction Price Range – $4,900 – $7,500 (ALL INCLUSIVE)

Many patients elect to do more than one liposuction area during a procedure. Cost of multiple areas is generally based on the number and size of the areas. Examples of multiple area price ranges are:

  • Lower Abdomen + Upper Abdomen + Waist/Hips(female) $5500-7500
  • Lower Abdomen + Waist/Hips $4900-5900
  • Lower Abdomen + Upper Abdomen + Love Handles(male) $5500-7500
  • Waist/Hips + Outer Thighs $4900-5900
  • Outer thighs + Inner Thighs + Knees $5500-7500
  • Outer Thighs + Inner Thighs $4900-5900
  • Mid Back + Upper Back + Arms $5500-7500

Out of Town Quotes

For patients living out of town or needing an exact price before moving forward, we will provide written price quotes with the submission of photos as well as basic demographic and health information. Contact our office for details.

Financing Options

We accept financing through CareCredit and. Apply online at or Cherry Financing.

Patient Forms

To help with the registration and check-in process, you can fill out your patient forms ahead of time. Please click the link and complete the HIPAA secure new patient forms.