As you get older, age, weight and genetics can all take major tolls on your chin, neck and jawline. The fact is, that with these factors, you can’t just exercise away that excess fat and improve your profile. So what can you do?

Fortunately, chin liposuction can remove the excess fat and help restore the more defined jawline that you had in years past. Skin tightening with laser treatments can enhance the results of the procedure and add to the overall improvement in your profile.

About The Procedure

At Houston Liposuction Center we perform laser assisted liposuction under local anesthetic. Our patients are usually given a mild oral sedation prior to the procedure. To begin the procedure, a dilute lidocaine solution is infiltrated into the area under the chin and slightly above the jawline. If a laser treatment is being used for skin tightening, it’s inserted under the skin and laser/thermal energy is applied in a fanning pattern to melt the superficial fat and heat the dermis to invoke collagen remodeling.

chin microcannula

Then, the actual liposuction (fat removal) begins. The chin and jawline fat is removed using a true “micro” cannula. At our center, for chin liposuction, we use some of the smallest liposuction cannulas ever produced. These tiny cannulas produce amazingly consistent and smooth results in the most delicate of areas. A very small percent of surgeons actually own or use cannulas of this size. See photo of our “micro” cannula.

Chin Liposuction Recovery/Downtime

chin garment

After chin procedures, there may be light drainage from the incisions for the first 12-24 hrs. Some patients experience mild bruising, soreness and/or numbness for 1-2 wks. The bruising, if any, is usually very mild. We require our patients to wear compression continuously for 3 days after the procedure (see photo of chin compression garment). After the first 3 days, our patients are instructed to wear compression only at night for 11 more days.

The downtime for chin liposuction is minimal. We instruct our “chin” patients that they can return to work and low impact activities on the day after the procedure, as long as they wear their compression garment.

Chin Liposuction Before and After Photos

Chin Liposuction Before and After
Houston Chin Liposuction Patient
Chin Liposuction Before and After
Chin Liposuction Before and After
Chin Liposuction Before and After
Chin Liposuction Before and After
Chin Liposuction Before and After

Chin Liposuction Cost – $3,900 – $4,900 (ALL INCLUSIVE)

At Houston Liposuction Center there is never a charge for a consultation and the following are included in our ALL INCLUSIVE fee for chin liposuction:

  • Pre-op Labs
  • Antibacterial Scrub and Antibiotics
  • Facility Fee and Tumescent Local Anesthesia
  • One Compression Garment
  • Post-op Supplies
  • All Follow-up Visits

At the time of discharge, all patients are given a prescription for a pain medication. If he or she chooses to fill this prescription they will have to fill at their own pharmacy. Also, some patients choose to buy a second compression garment at their own expense.

Financing of Chin Liposuction – Starting at low as $79/month

To learn about liposuction pricing for other body areas please visit our liposuction cost page

We accept financing through CareCredit and Cherry starting as low as $79/month. Apply online at or Cherry Financing.