Minimally Invasive Abdominal SmartLipo

The Abdomen is one of the most popular areas Dr. Bergeron’s patients request for SmartLipo. Abdominal SmartLipo is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that provides the patient with less downtime after just one treatment. SmartLipo is performed under a local (tumescent) anesthesia, and a laser is used to melt the […]

Male Chest Liposuction & “Gynecomastia”

“Gynecomastia” is the technical term for male breast enlargement. While there are different types of Gynecomastia, SmartLipo can be a welcome relief for men struggling with large male breasts. Dr. Bergeron performs 25 to 30 cases per month, and many of his cases involve patients requesting SmartLipo for their chest. […]

Transform Your Arms with SmartLipo

Your arms are the ultimate indicator of physical fitness. It’s easy to hide your thighs and abdomen under clothing, and they only have to make brief appearances during swimsuit season. Unfortunately, arms have to be ready for maximum exposure almost all year long. It’s an issue for many women – […]

Thin Your Thighs with SmartLipo!

Squats and lunges are great exercises to tone thighs. However, what is there to do when your thighs are burned out at boot camp? SmartLipo is a safe, effective way to contour your thighs and achieve amazing results with minimal recovery time. With one treatment – you can banish your […]

Melt the Muffin Top with SmartLipo for your Love Handles

It’s time to toss out your tunics and tighten your belts! Let Dr. Bergeron sculpt your new waistline with SmartLipo. Both men and women alike experience the same problem… the protruding sides that hang over your pants. They’re given cruel names such as, “dunlop,” “spare tire,” or the infamous “muffin […]

Let Dr Bergeron Sculpt Your Way to a Flat Tummy with Abdominal SmartLipo

Open any magazine today and you’ll likely see someone who looks gloriously happy in his or her swimsuit with a flat tummy and rock hard abs. These images are implanted in our minds and seem completely unattainable by any stretch of the imagination. There’s only so much exercise and diet […]

Face Forward with SmartLipo for Your Chin, Neck or Jowls

For more before and after photos click here Having the perfect body doesn’t come naturally to most of us and it takes a lot of hard work to achieve great results. If you’re genetically predisposed to excess fat around your face, or aging has diminished your once defined jaw line, […]

Welcome to Houston Liposuction Center’s Blog

John Bergeron, MD on Today’s Liposuction Thanks for stopping by my blog that will be sharing information on today’s liposuction. I’m Dr John Bergeron, the founder and medical director of Houston Liposuction Center.  The staff of Houston Liposuction Center and I will use this blog to present our liposuction before […]

Most Popular Treatment Areas

One of the best things about the liposuction procedure is that it can be used almost anywhere. From the problem areas of your stomach, love handles, saddlebags, and upper arms, to even the smallest areas that may not gain a ton of fat—such as your chin and other locations—our surgeons […]

Maintaining Post SmartLipo

Though liposuction is a wonderful treatment, it isn’t a permanent ward against fat, no matter what many surgeons might say. Unfortunately, if you do not maintain the proper upkeep of your body post-operation, then fat may return, and you will have undone all the work that you just paid for! […]