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    Houston's Lipo

    “Having this procedure was the best decision I’ve ever made”
    - Jacqueline A.

    “The doctor and staff are very good at what they do”
    - Phyllis C.

    “My experience exceeded all of my expectations”
    - Caryn D.


    Liposuction in Houston, TX

    Sculpt and Contour Your Body with Micro Tumescent Liposuction

    Liposuction is a surgical procedure for both women and men who are looking to remove fat and contour their body. Liposuction is ideal for patients who are otherwise healthy but simply can’t seem to lose fat in specific body areas through diet and exercise.

    At Houston Lipo Center, we specialize in micro tumescent liposuction, which uses smaller, less invasive “microcannulas” – resulting in less trauma and a faster recovery vs traditional liposuction. All liposuction procedures performed at Houston Lipo Center use the tumescent method in combination with local anesthesia for a safe, minimally invasive approach.

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    Experienced Surgeons Proven Techniques No General Anesthesia

    At Houston Lipo Center, we want your experience and your results to be second to-none. We offer an upfront, no-nonsense approach to liposuction that’s honest about the results lipo can achieve as well as the cost of the procedure.

    Why Choose
    Houston Lipo Center?

    Houston Liposuction Center is proud to provide our patients with the most up to-date, clinically-proven body contouring procedures available today, including SmartLipo (laser assisted liposuction). Our minimally-invasive approach to liposuction ensures exceptional results.

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    Abdomen Liposuction Before & After Photos

    before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction before and after liposuction

    Top Liposuction Areas

    Our advanced liposuction techniques can remove up to 75% of the fat layer for the area treated in just one procedure.

    Here at Houston Lipo Center we aim for a natural look – no “etching” or trendy procedures that won’t age well. Patients from all around the state and even the country have come to have their liposuction procedure here at the Houston Lipo Center.

    The abdomen is the most popular area for men and women. It’s divided into upper and lower areas. The amount of subcutaneous fat in the area will determine what results can be expected. Abdominal liposuction is our most common procedure performed.
    The waist/hips, flanks, or love handles are a popular area often done in combination with the abdomen, or separately. This is one of the best areas to tackle if you want your jeans to fit better.
    Whether it’s the inner or outer thighs, many patients are looking to reduce their thighs. Thigh liposuction can help eliminate saddlebags, help pants fit better, and get rid of “thigh rub.”
    The chin and jawline have a huge impact on physical appearance that can’t be hidden by creative wardrobe options. The submental (chin and neck) area is an important aspect of your appearance, whether personal or professional. Chin liposuction can provide excellent results for patients with good skin elasticity.
    Bras can push fat down, creating a “bra bulge” that often is resistant to diet and exercise. Back liposuction can make a huge difference in one’s appearance, especially for women.
    For cases of pseudo-gynecomastia, chest liposuction alone can be a course of treatment to improve the look of the upper body and the fit of shirts.

    Liposuction for Men

    There’s a perception that lipo is something only women do, but that’s just not true.

    Wanting to look your best isn’t gender-specific. Here at Houston Lipo Center, we treat male and female patients. We offer specific procedures tailored towards men, such as the male chest, a common treatment for pseudo-gynecomastia.

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    Liposuction Pricing

    There’s not one flat price for liposuction - it depends on how many areas you want treated and how large those areas are. Most liposuction cases range from $3900 - $7500.

    • Upper & Lower Abdomen (2 areas): $4,900 - $5,900
    • Full Abdomen & Flanks (3 areas): $5,500-$7,500
    • Chin (1 area); $3900 - $4,900
    • Love Handles (1 area): $3,900 - $4900
    • Mid & Upper Back (2 areas): $4,900 - $5,900

    For more information on pricing and financing, please visit our pricing and financing page.

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    Liposuction FAQ

    Micro Tumescent Liposuction, also referred to as “microcannula” liposuction, is the chosen technique for liposuction performed at Houston Lipo Center. We choose to use this technique because it is known to be the least invasive and safest form of liposuction and can be done using only local anesthetic. Microcannulas are liposuction cannulas that are 3.0 mm in diameter or less. These cannulas extract fat with less damage to the surrounding tissues, resulting in smoother results and a faster recovery. Also, performing liposuction under local anesthesia, eliminates the risks of general anesthesia and increases overall safety.

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    Yes. At Houston Lipo Center, we do offer laser assisted liposuction, however, use of a laser may not be recommended for every case. There are a variety of brand names associated with laser liposuction, including SmartLipo, CoolLipo, and LipoLite. Each of these has slightly different features, but all have a similar approach. As always, the skill of your surgeon matters more than the tools they use. A particular brand name does not always guarantee a particular result.

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    The best way to know for sure is to schedule a consultation. There are many cases where a tummy tuck may be recommended, but there is a fair amount of gray area and ultimately it will depend on your goals. In most cases, the deciding factor is the amount of loose skin, though there are other cases like a diastasis recti where liposuction may not be recommended, as it won’t address the underlying problem.

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    The short answer is yes. Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from your body. Those fat cells don’t come back. However, that doesn’t mean that you are immune to weight gain and can eat whatever you want. You can still gain weight after a procedure – but fat does not “re-generate.”

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    Liposuction generally requires two days off work (the day of the procedure and the day after). After that, there is a two-week period with no heavy exercise. Generally, after two weeks most patients can return to their normal activities. Some swelling may persist as part of the body’s natural healing process and can take up to 6 months for final results.

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    Weight loss isn’t the main goal of liposuction and should never be used as a replacement for diet and exercise. Fat is not very dense compared to muscle, so the amount of weight lost is slight and can be up to five pounds in extreme cases.

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    All procedures done at Houston Lipo Center are performed under local anesthetic. Using only local anesthetic, eliminates the need for general anesthesia. Many patients are simply scared of “going under”, as they know that there are additional risks associated with general anesthesia (not to mention additional costs). Being awake (and mildly sedated) during the procedure also requires that surgeons use smaller cannulas rather than the larger cannulas that are used during traditional liposuction. This results in smaller incisions, less trauma and post-op swelling, and a faster recovery. While there are some limits to the number of areas that can be done under local anesthesia, the benefits outweigh the limitations for most patients.

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    Houston Lipo Center uses microcannulas for a minimally invasive approach to reduce the risk and keep visible scarring to a minimum. Some patients may still see small freckle-like scars as a result of the procedure that will fade over time. Discuss with your surgeon if you tend to develop raised (keloid) scars.

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    Schedule a Consultation

    Are you a good candidate for liposuction? If you want to know whether micro tumescent liposuction with Houston Lipo Center will help you achieve your body goals, the best way to know is to schedule a free consultation. The ideal patient is within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight and is wanting to sculpt and contour their body in ways that diet and exercise haven’t been able to.

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